
2008-02-23, 3:56 p.m.

Okay I really think I'm blogging too often. :D

Yesterday.. went to run.. what a disaster.. -.-"

I wanted to go at around 6plus at usual, but it started raining, so I thought I wouldn't go afterall. But at around 10 past 7, I found that it was rather dry, so I hurried, snatched my shuffle and got out of the house. Ran in the opposite direction, cus I suddenly felt like it after watching the midds' run on one of their trng days, which meant the hill that I'd run up would be STEEPER. So fine. It was quite well, until I reached Ave2. I felt raindrops on me, becoming heavier and heavier. I quickened my pace but it wasn't enough, AND I HAD TO SPRINT FROM HALF ON THAT ENTIRE HILL TO MY BLOCK. Seriously, I thought I was gonna die. -.- besides the fact that it was dark (which meant that vision was low), I had difficulties trying to protect my ipod. LOL. For some reason, I felt really helpless when I was running up there. I had no idea why, but that feeling just came to me. It was something dry, something I'd never wanna go through again- the feeling of being helpless.

P.S. Sapph said it wasn't meant to be.. I think so too.
Thank God I didn't fall sick, otherwise wouldn't be able to catch P.S. I love you with SweeEn & Yvette. Cheryl can't make it, so that makes the 3 of us. :D happy!

But I'm going now, cus I've got to get Juan's & Elisa's pressie, so I'm leavin now.. :D

Till the next post!

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