
2008-04-21, 8:21 p.m.

Today was originally one of the best days in my life, and then the GMC turned it into a nightmare. Screw GMC

School was fine.
Then the wonderful fairytale began.

Went to tauhuay. :) with girlgirl. But she wasn't feeling well, so she went home earlier. Then the rest of us stayed to study tingxie, though Ner wasn't doing much. -.- went home after that. But the 3hours we spent in the tauhuay shop was enough for me to forget about the entire day's unhappiness and stress.
And that was enough.

Juan, Sherms & I strolled home. And then I mentioned the GMC to them. I know I promised Denise I wouldn't tell, but I thought that it was time for me to tell, so I did it. Whether or not C approves of it or not, the people around her ought to know. Otherwise, how can we hope to stay friends for life?

So the discussion for GMC lasted for over an hour. Then everyone went home.

Then the nightmare began.

Bathed, came onto msn. Sherms found the B, so we started reading the E. I cried while reading last year's, so I gave up. Couldn't take it anymore. How can someone become 2 totally different people in 24hours? Is she making a fool out of the people who genuinely cares for her? What good is it if you keep everything to yourself? What's the point of being friends IF YOU CAN'T EVEN TELL THEM SOMETHING LIKE THIS? There's totally no point, even if they want to share their support with you.

GMC , officially begun. I wonder where marks the end.

Shit day, thanks to that. Math tonight. Crap.

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