
2008-05-26, 5:51 p.m.

Woah.. it's the first day of the first week of hols alr.. and before you know it, it's gonna be the last day of the last week :( hope it never ever comes. Sigh :(

So on Saturday, Denise & I went shopping at Wisma AGAIN, lols, & went to look for stuff to wear at the wedding. Obviously I couldn't find anything, so all I bought was this top that I remembered Sapph had tried out before. LOLS, it's the pale yellow halter. Yeah that's all I remember, haha :) that was 40 bucks. :D

After that we gave up trying to find something to go with it and then we headed back to Denise's house cus she had to dress her Mum up for her Gala Night. And I tell you, the both of them are the funniest pair of Mum&Daughter together I've ever encountered. They talk to each other like friends, as if there's no generation gap between the both of them. It's so awesome. & not to mention that the Mum is so amazing, she actually lent me their dresses for the wedding. She lent me 2, but the next day I borrowed one more, so that made it 3. I was sooo paiseh, but she just kept saying "It's alright! Just take it! Anyway she's too fat to wear it anymore." Hahahahhaha :) that's how super fantastic she is.
So yeah, to return that favour that day, since Denise was going to her Dad's party that night, I lent her that top I bought to go with her Guess pants :) something like returning a favour, but I still don't think it's very enough. Lols :)
Her Mum's birthday on the 24th June, 10 days after mine, & I definitely need to get something for her.

Next day, woke up, wanted to spend my day watching the very awesome drama Fated To Love You, but something went wrong with the stupid modem or ralter, so the connection sucked like shit. Ended up reading Harry Potter instead. Hahahaha :) until around 3, connection was alright again, so I went back to my 命中注定我爱你 :)
& I finally, HAVE MY OWN AIRON. WOOOOOOT :) was so damn happy. LOL! Just wonder when I'm gonna get my own room back. Lols :D:D:D
Went for the wedding in my black halter, Sapph wore the reach-the-ground dress, and Daddy wanted to wear his suit but it wasn't collected from the dry-cleaner yet. So he still wore this black long-sleeved thing with pants :)
Met Irene Jiejie there again :) with her brother this time, Uncle Ivan. He's 11 years older than Sapph and apparently he still remembers carrying her as a baby! Unfortunately I was born 6 years later and he was alr 17. LOls :) & Irene Jiejie looks younger again this time! She seems to grow younger instead of older everytime I meet her, & she's pretty decent looking :) she's awesome :D

The wedding dishes were GREAT :D ate my fill! But then that stupid Sapph, made me gulp the red wine down, so I ended up puking a little bit at the end of the dinner. -.- all her fault. If she didn't goad me into gulping it, I'd be fine. Okay put it that way, it's partially my fault as well. :(
Missed the photo-taking, but who cares :D actually I do, but NEVERMIND.

Finished watching Fated To Love You today!! Ep 11 came out, thank God, cus if it made me wait till next week for Ep 11, I'd just die or something, cus Ep 10 was so amazing. Woooh, strongly recommend that show :D thanks Ner! <3

Relinked lyns blog >
Remember to tag when you're there!

Missed Puppetry today cus of the too-much alcohol intake yday. :( shit. Must go tmr, otherwise I'll be so screwed :(

Jubilate coming! Can't wait, but it also means getting up as early as 6 to send 刘老师 off at T3. :(

Switz's post will be entered soon, I hope! When I have the time & mood :)

<3 you guys out there,

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