
2013-10-15, 12:02 a.m.

It's been a good two months since I've posted! And I blame it entirely on my stupid Dell ultrabook which refuses to load this site.

So where do I start. Hmm. Oh okay so I left off right before school started. It's currently week 9 of school now so 2 months have passed already. Wow so much has happened in a mere two months. I still remember how I went over to Malaysia with the team barely three weeks into school haha. That was one hell of a leap. I was pretty freaked out really, since I was going with a bunch of people I hardly knew at all. But it turned out fine, thankfully. I had great fun and I got to know so many of the awesome seniors better :) it was really memorable. I don't think many of the seniors thought of it as a huge deal but it was definitely unforgettable for me. A big thanks to everyone in the team who made it such an enjoyable trip :)

Then of course there's school. Hahaha so much catching up to be done after we came back. It was such a joke hahahaha. Priceless really. School's been a bitch, like what else can it be hahaha. But yes I am enjoying uni life, or rather I try my best anyway. Trying not to let the grades get to me but it's proving to be quite a challenge. On the bright side though, I have friends who are ever encouraging. Thanks bitches, I'd be at a true loss without y'all :')

Then there's bowling... sunig was a complete disaster. Seems like I have to re-learn how to bowl from scratch. Nothing seems in order. Sigh.

Countless deadlines to meet, endless appointments to be made with longtime friends, new friends and the like. It's amazing how there's 24h in one day but it passes so quickly, it feels like there's only 12h. Keeping time is so painful. It feels like grabbing onto running sand that can only slip out of your hands. Sigh. I shall need to make it a point to do more productive things with this time.

I think that pretty much sums up this two months. Oh and I'm getting these weird zits on the left side of my face and it's really upsetting me :( & I gained 2kg. SOBS. Shall need to get back into the routine of running too. Let's hope I manage to make running a religion with myself too.

And for the time being, I'm extremely jealous and envious at the same time of my bitchy sister who's in London having the time of her life! Hahaha HATE CHU but love ya. MY PU-RE-ZEN-TOs THANKS HAHAHA. Have a great time in my Harry Potter country! :)

Alright and it's time to shower. And maybe cover slides. Maybe sleep. HAHA depends. On my mood obviously ;)

Alright, good night world! It's been a shag but good day on the whole :)


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